1 | |
.light |
Last talked: 12/25 3:44pm |
Visits: 1043 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 120538 |
Days active: 995/1228 |
Average lines per day: 121 |
Average letters per line: 32.9 |
Opped people 69 times |
Has kicked out 32 people |
Received a kicking 10 times |
Number of descriptions: 4671 |
Topics set: 276 |
Question ratio: 5.9% |
Exclamation ratio: 8.0% |
Chatkills: 24 |
Number of nicks used: 61 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
£ | |
Ayatollah_Khomo | |
Wool | |
Alizee | |
ETJ | |
Recent activity
12/25 3:43pm | <.light> While guards were throwing shit at me |
3:43pm | <.light> Then finally some guy yelled at me to go to Thrall |
3:44pm | <.light> Fuck Thrall. |
2 | |
£ |
Last talked: 12/25 3:46pm |
Visits: 228 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 40953 |
Days active: 845/1228 |
Average lines per day: 48 |
Average letters per line: 30.8 |
Opped people 5 times |
Has kicked out 17 people |
Number of descriptions: 1218 |
Topics set: 46 |
Question ratio: 7.5% |
Exclamation ratio: 6.6% |
Chatkills: 7 |
Number of nicks used: 62 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
Ayatollah_Khomo | |
Wool | |
Alizee | |
ETJ | |
Recent activity
12/25 3:09pm | <£> maybe I'm including beta |
3:10pm | <£> You don't have anyone who can? |
3:46pm | <£> mIRCStats update for #wow started |
3 | |
Ayatollah_Khomo |
Last talked: 12/19 9:14am |
Visits: 667 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 34745 |
Days active: 499/1228 |
Average lines per day: 70 |
Average letters per line: 24.9 |
Opped people 3 times |
Has kicked out 20 people |
Received a kicking 17 times |
Number of descriptions: 1174 |
Topics set: 64 |
Question ratio: 12% |
Exclamation ratio: 4.9% |
Chatkills: 8 |
Number of nicks used: 305 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
£ | |
Wool | |
Alizee | |
tycho | |
Recent activity
12/19 9:12am | <Lamy> I liked Ring of Blood 2.0 |
9:14am | <Lamy> i wish it gave a feral staff like in 1.0 :( |
9:14am | <Lamy> into sholozar~! |
11:14am | *** Lamy has quit IRC (Quit: [00:09] <kira> dolphins are basically gay sharks [17:38] <Light> I WANT YOUR MEAT [00:12] <Light> Because why does everything I say come out sounding really emo [18:08] <.Light> I MUST HAVE YOU, LITTLE 14 YEAR OLD [00:15] <Light> So, dolphins -> meat -> 14 ) |
4 | |
Wool |
Last talked: 12/25 3:26pm |
Visits: 832 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 27987 |
Days active: 946/1228 |
Average lines per day: 30 |
Average letters per line: 26.9 |
Opped people 2 times |
Has kicked out 1 people |
Received a kicking 1 times |
Number of descriptions: 383 |
Topics set: 3 |
CAPS ratio: 1.2% |
Question ratio: 6.2% |
Exclamation ratio: 7.2% |
Chatkills: 2 |
Number of nicks used: 56 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
£ | |
Alizee | |
Ayatollah_Khomo | |
tycho | |
Recent activity
12/25 2:54pm | <Wool> haha1 |
2:55pm | <Wool> you don't exist! |
2:55pm | <Wool> the lich king disagrees |
3:26pm | <Wool> to be spat on! |
5 | |
Alizee |
Last talked: 12/25 1:54pm |
Visits: 942 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 16654 |
Days active: 371/1228 |
Average lines per day: 45 |
Average letters per line: 30.4 |
Opped people 1 times |
Has kicked out 4 people |
Received a kicking 2 times |
Number of descriptions: 1361 |
Question ratio: 12% |
Exclamation ratio: 8.2% |
Chatkills: 1 |
Number of nicks used: 86 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
Wool | |
£ | |
Ayatollah_Khomo | |
tycho | |
Recent activity
12/25 1:51pm | <Alizee> Huh? |
1:53pm | <Alizee> That could be a problem if you didn't know you did. |
1:54pm | <Alizee> Who we killin'? |
6 | |
tycho |
Last talked: 12/12 1:42pm |
Visits: 1575 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 6559 |
Days active: 365/1228 |
Average lines per day: 18 |
Average letters per line: 21.6 |
Opped people 1 times |
Has kicked out 1 people |
Number of descriptions: 148 |
Topics set: 1 |
Question ratio: 9.3% |
Exclamation ratio: 3.7% |
Number of nicks used: 12 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
Wool | |
Ayatollah_Khomo | |
Redbat | |
£ | |
Recent activity
12/17 3:06pm | *** tycho has joined #wow |
12/18 3:38am | *** tycho has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
5:37am | *** tycho has joined #wow |
12/19 6:48pm | *** tycho has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
6:56pm | *** tycho has joined #wow |
12/22 12:51am | *** tycho has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
12:53am | *** tycho has joined #wow |
12/23 6:34pm | *** tycho has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
8:36pm | *** tycho has joined #wow |
12/24 3:21pm | *** tycho has quit IRC (Quit: Two TIE's aren't as dangerous as one TIE-Co ) |
7 | |
Redbat |
| |
Visits: 45 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 5406 |
Days active: 96/1228 |
Average lines per day: 56 |
Average letters per line: 18.7 |
Opped people 4 times |
Number of descriptions: 52 |
Topics set: 7 |
Question ratio: 13% |
Exclamation ratio: 2.5% |
Chatkills: 1 |
Number of nicks used: 109 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
tycho | |
£ | |
Wool | |
IWAssassin | |
Recent activity
8 | |
Last talked: 12/25 2:01pm |
Visits: 946 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 3950 |
Days active: 217/1228 |
Average lines per day: 18 |
Average letters per line: 37.8 |
Received a kicking 1 times |
Number of descriptions: 199 |
Topics set: 1 |
Question ratio: 12% |
Exclamation ratio: 6.2% |
Chatkills: 1 |
Number of nicks used: 12 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Last 20 days |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
£ | |
Wool | |
tycho | |
Alizee | |
Recent activity
12/25 1:58pm | <ETJ> KILL....THEM....ALL! |
2:00pm | <ETJ> Unholy is great for AoE grinding |
2:01pm | <ETJ> :P |
9 | |
IWAssassin |
Last talked: 8/20/2007 10:25pm |
Visits: 446 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 3773 |
Days active: 251/1228 |
Average lines per day: 15 |
Average letters per line: 32.6 |
Has kicked out 1 people |
Received a kicking 1 times |
Number of descriptions: 83 |
Topics set: 2 |
CAPS ratio: 0.8% |
Question ratio: 6.9% |
Exclamation ratio: 8.6% |
Number of nicks used: 7 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
Wool | |
£ | |
Redbat | |
tycho | |
Recent activity
8/20/2007 10:18pm | <IWAssassin> lies |
10:19pm | <IWAssassin> you lie a lot synwa, why? (-: |
10:25pm | <IWAssassin> meh |
10 | |
T`losk|Away |
| |
Visits: 58 |
Status: Operator |
Lines: 1651 |
Days active: 54/1228 |
Average lines per day: 31 |
Average letters per line: 33.7 |
Number of descriptions: 44 |
Topics set: 2 |
Question ratio: 20% |
Exclamation ratio: 1.6% |
Number of nicks used: 5 |
| Weekly activity |
| Hourly activity |
| Likes chatting with: |
.light | |
Ayatollah_Khomo | |
£ | |
Alizee | |
Wool | |
Recent activity
9/22 6:55pm | *** T`losk|Away has joined #wow |
7:15pm | *** T`losk|Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
7:17pm | *** T`losk|Away has joined #wow |
7:30pm | *** T`losk|Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
7:37pm | *** T`losk|Away has joined #wow |
7:40pm | *** T`losk|Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
7:47pm | *** T`losk|Away has joined #wow |
7:56pm | *** T`losk|Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |
7:56pm | *** T`losk|Away has joined #wow |
8:06pm | *** T`losk|Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) |